Project Management 

July 14, 2023

Plan ahead to avoid schedule delays

Schedule delays are a common problem for any project, big or small. (In his article for, Andy Jordan even says he’s suspicious of any project manager who tells him they’re perfectly on schedule.) And that’s because situations change - maybe there was an unexpected complication, or a staffing change, or even that the timeline wasn’t accurate in the first place.

Other than adding contingency time to a project schedule, there’s not much to be done for any surprises that pop up during a project’s execution. However, we can do something about making sure the project timeline is as complete and accurate as possible. Here are some things to try when estimating a project’s timeline:

There are many more techniques out there to help estimate a project timeline. The more detailed the method, the more accurate - and time-consuming. The amount of time a project manager is able to spend on a timeline will vary from project to project. In general, however, a good rule of thumb is that the more detail you can put into a project schedule, the more accurate it will be. And by starting with a strong project timeline, you may be able to avoid just a few of those pesky schedule delays.

Flower by Olga from Noun Project(CCBY3.0)