Project Management 

June 30, 2023

Add more communication to your Waterfall project

Better, more frequent communication with users results in a better project. 

This isn’t a bold statement to make - it’s pretty well accepted that clear communication with your users is an essential part of defining the scope of a project. In Agile development, time for these communications is part of the iterative structure -  the process calls for coordination in the planning of each sprint as well as review and retrospective afterwards. In a project consisting of multiple sprints, this results in ongoing communication with users, who can contribute feedback throughout the process and see the progress being made on a regular basis.

Side-by-side depiction of the different phases of a Waterfall project versus an Agile project.

But Agile isn’t always the best method for a project. If you’re working with a Waterfall project, you may find that there’s a long period between the planning and testing phases where the framework doesn’t require regular communication with your end users. And this can cause problems - you may find there are questions that need answers in order to proceed, or your users may become anxious during the interim or decide they’ve changed their minds about some elements of the project.

In his article Remember: Users Are Real People, project consultant Andy Jordan asserts that borrowing the ongoing communication aspect of Agile for use in your Waterfall projects can yield huge benefits in your final product. “Being more proactive and engaging with users,” he says, “...during the development process can help to identify potential problems earlier—when they are easier, quicker and cheaper to address.”

Proactive scheduled communication with users adds significant benefits to a project:

No matter what PM style you prefer, adopting an effective communication strategy can improve the quality and timeliness of your projects.

Flower by Olga from Noun Project(CCBY3.0)